Pisces Daily Horoscope
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Today's Pisces Horoscope from Cafe Astrology
March 22, 2024
Mars enters your sign today, and it will transit Pisces until April 30th, dear Pisces. You're likely to experience a re-awakening of sorts with this transit. It comes just days after the Sun left your sign, supplying you with further energy for personal attention, plans, and pursuits. In the weeks ahead, you'll feel more comfortable asserting yourself and pursuing your desires. Certainly, it's best to watch for impatience and brusqueness, as you can easily get carried away. However, drive, enterprise, courage, and energy are in more abundant supply now. Try to enjoy the initiative and bravery of this transit without succumbing to the pressure to do things too quickly. This way, you'll be well-positioned to pursue your goals with passion and heart. Mars in your sign can stir strong desires to begin new projects or to present yourself in bolder, more dynamic ways. This can also be a time when money comes in, as Mars rules your income sector.
Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Business: Good
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Day After Tomorrow
All About Pisces | Pisces Love Horoscope | Pisces Monthly Horoscope | Pisces 2024 Yearly Horoscope | Pisces Ascendant Horoscopes | Pisces 2024 Horoscope Preview
Pisces Sun Dates: February 19 to March 20
Cafe Astrology horoscopes continue below:
The Astrology of Today – All Signs
Horoscope for All on Friday, March 22, 2024
The Moon moves into the sign of Virgo at 3:42 AM EDT, and we want to tidy up our affairs.
- Keeping busy and making headway satisfies us more than usual.
- Still, Mars enters Pisces today and will transit the sign until April 30th.
- Idealism comes to the fore.
- During this cycle, we might de-emphasize some of our traditional goals, and we can find ourselves more motivated to pursue spiritual or emotional drives.
- We dislike confrontation, and we may often put others’ needs ahead of our own.
- We’re helpful and service-oriented.
- Our output is variable rather than straightforward, and our energy is similarly up and down.
- As well, our desires and methods to achieve our goals are more complex in the weeks ahead.
- We tend to run on intuition and instinct before taking action.
- The Moon is void from 2:34 AM EDT, with the Moon's last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Mars), until the Moon enters Virgo at 3:42 AM EDT.
This Week in Astrology
*You can also find these horoscopes on the Astrology of Today feature in list format.
More Daily Horoscopes – All Zodiac Signs:
Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
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This Month: Pisces
March 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Pisces:
March is a month for reinventing yourself and starting fresh, dear Pisces. Self-development is in happy focus, and you can find yourself quite devoted to it. All the inner planets travel through your sign at some point--the Sun until the 19th, Mercury to the 9th, Venus from the 11th, and Mars from the 22nd. People notice and want your company more than usual. You can feel more attractive from the inside out or project more warmth, sharing your personality and ideas more than usual.
This is your birthday season, which is always a time for grabbing opportunities. This year, some areas get off to a slow start, but you'll find that the remainder of March compensates. In truth, this is because Venus and Mars begin the month in the sign behind yours, and you may feel a little behind and out of the loop or simply not yet up to it! But as the month moves forward, you're more decisive and crave more interactivity. It's a particularly fertile, creative time when you have great ideas and all the right motivation to put in the work to get them going.
Besides, you have much to explore in your inner world and behind the scenes. It's a fine time to discover yourself.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 10th positions you well to set your intentions for the birthday year ahead related to your personality, independence, personal image, and effectiveness. It's one of the best times of the year to consider making personal changes that empower you. However, it's best to avoid unnecessary tension or impatience.
Your powers of attraction run high with Venus in your sign from the 11th onward. You open yourself to pleasure and love, and your affections are strong and clear. Venus in your sign brings you out of your protective shell with more willingness (and the required inner clarity) to express your feelings. It encourages your confidence in what you have to offer the world. Make time and room for improvising and enjoying yourself, perhaps letting things flow and loosening up on an issue that has kept your feelings at bay. Seek out ideas that inspire you.
From the 19th forward, financial matters tie up more deeply with your pride. Income and talents or resources are more prominent themes, although you get a hint of this as early as the 9th. It can be a time when you possess the foresight and determination to tackle jobs and tasks that have long-term potential. It feels good to pace yourself.
Still, just a few days later, Mars enters your sign, revving you up! This influence is energetic, excitable, and exciting. It can be a time to assert your needs and pursue what you want. With haste or impatient behavior in check, you can use this period to pursue personal goals heartily.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th can bring dysfunctional areas of our life to our attention! While watching for exaggeration in the last week of the month is a good idea, it's important to pay special attention to the emotions that emerge. For you, this eclipse season is about ownership and sharing/ income and support. Buried or long-brewing situations can reach a turning point.
More: Monthly Horoscopes – Details
This Year: Pisces 2024
New interests and learning continue to be a positive theme in 2024, dear Pisces, but later this year, there can be a real settling down process in your life–and it’s rewarding! Your domestic and inner world come into strong focus, and you want to expand, grow, and improve in these areas, whether you move into larger or more appropriate accommodations or focus on improving current living conditions.
You will likely find more value – and joy – in your family and domestic life. There can be innovative or technological improvements, new ideas, and a forward-looking, happy energy in the home life.
The first 4 to 5 months of the year are lush for opportunities to expand your knowledge and make pleasant contact with others. There can be a real feeling of connectedness with friends, siblings, your neighborhood, special interests, or your community. Interests expand. Communications projects are well-starred, and you might secure, complete, or refine a major project. Transportation matters can continue to improve.
Your interests continue to diversify, and you’re filled with ideas this year. Much of the time, you’re pleasantly busy. While this is generally a positive thing, by June you are more able to focus on one or two pet projects and ideas, which contributes to feeling more settled.
Major new projects begun somewhere between late May of 2024 to early June of 2025 can ultimately be enriching, profitable, and long-term, so lay down your foundations well.
With Saturn in your sign all year, it’s time to strengthen your routines, habits, or diet, although the health may sometimes seem a little fragile. The best way to manage Saturn’s influence is to focus on working towards success in the long term rather than paying too much attention to the more minor frustrations and grievances. You’re tidying up your life in ways that will benefit you for years to come!
There can be times when you don’t feel as valued as you’d like or even feel overlooked during this transit. Ideally, these feelings motivate you to strengthen and improve critical areas of your life. It’s an excellent time to make edits and corrections. As well, you’re building your self-reliance.
Success may be especially prominent in business fields related to service, communications, promotion, domestic matters, or real estate in 2024. Improving money management can be very rewarding. It’s a time for settling in, feathering your nest, enhancing your relationships with family, and meeting responsibilities. There can be nice prospects involving your income, family, or home life. The desire to make yourself and/or your loved ones more secure motivates you. Activities close to home (and on or in the home) are highly appealing now.
More: 2024 Pisces Horoscope Preview or 2024 Pisces Yearly Horoscope
This Year in Love: Pisces
2024 Love Horoscope for Pisces
Saturn continues to transit your sign this year, dear Pisces, and you’re facing the need for more structure and discipline in your life. It’s a strong time to get organized or caught up with responsibilities. Connecting and communicating continue as important themes until May.
While this is a stellar time for bringing more order to your life, there can be times when the people you love (and the people you want to love) may feel a little alienated, left out, or downright intimidated! Making a conscious effort to let others in can help people understand you better. Try not to communicate your stress or negativity if that’s going to be others’ first impressions. On the other hand, it’s also important to share your struggles or ups and downs.
Consider that you can sometimes send out vibes that may keep others at arm’s length as Saturn transits your sign all year. It’s true that you may not be as trusting of new things–or new people–but it may be wise to avoid pushing people away before they have any chance to prove themselves. Being self-protective and withdrawn can be replenishing at times, but doing it too much may limit your love life…cont’d
More: 2024 Pisces Love Horoscope
Here’s to a fun, happy, and successful day!
Note: Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. For example, if you are an Aries with a Leo Ascendant, read the forecast for both Aries and Leo.
See Also:
Pisces Horoscopes:
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Pisces Yearly Horoscope
Pisces Monthly Horoscope
Pisces Yearly Love Horoscope
Pisces Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Pisces Good Days Calendar
All About Pisces
Pisces Ascendant
Pisces Compatibility:
Pisces Sun Sign Compatibility
Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility
Pisces Venus Sign Compatibility
**Keep in mind that cutoff dates for Sun signs are always approximate since the cusp/cutoff dates vary each year. The exact dates depend on your birth year, time, and place! If you’re born on or near any of these dates and you’re unsure of your Sun sign, use our calculator What’s My Sign? for a definitive answer.